Happy Saturday everyone! I hope you are curled up with a good book today. ??never thought I’d say that. ?
I didn’t read books (or a book tbh) until a few years ago. I started with The Artists Way by Julia Cameron and then The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho and didn’t realize at the time I was waking up. I was reading books that expanded my consciousness, and opened my mind. I started learning and improving myself, and haven’t stopped since.
Today I am doing research, reading through Daniel Siegel’s Aware, to see if it would be a good comparative analysis book for my book proposal. Couldn’t have planned that I would be here, doing this, right now. I just followed my curiosity and as Joseph Campbell says, my bliss.
Amazed at the unfolding and ready for more. Have you been amazed at your unfolding? Wondered how it all worked out to bring you here, now? Please, do share. I want to hear from you, get to know you and hold space for you to share. ???✨