I had the amazing opportunity to pitch my idea to a panel of judges at the Innovation District HQ event on Jan. 29, 2020. The program is part of JumpStart.org out of Cleveland, Ohio.
Here is the video of my 90 second pitch and questions from the panel of judges.
A Conscious Home is one that connects you (the owner) with nature, has a smaller footprint, uses natural materials and sun light to create a wonderful feeling home.
How is that accomplished? In the design process we clear away the programming from culture for what a home should be, and start with how you want it to feel. Instead of approaching the design from square footage and number of rooms you want, I start with the life you want to live and we work our way backwards.
My ideal client is someone who resonates with the minimalism culture and the idea of a “tiny home” but is too practical to live in 500 sf. By creating homes with intention, we can reduce the square footage, building quality over quantity. And by targeting how you want to feel in your home, we can focus on what matters to you, and what doesn’t.
A conscious development would include shared event and co-working spaces, community gardens, composting and water reuse. Let’s create homes and communities we want to live in!