Making space is time when you cut off your connection to the outside world, and stop absorbing information. I like to create space in my daily life, but I also need a week or two a year where I can unplug and rest. Eckhart Tolle says that even turning commercials to mute between a TV show or video online can create the much needed space for us.
Without making this "space" in your life, you are what my astrologist calls happy, stupid people. They are people in the world who are never aware of what’s going on around them. I'm sorry to say, this is like a computer just running the program. In order to be aware of what is going on, be the one installing the program and not the computer itself we need to step back and make space.
Room for Growth
Recently I stepped away from my social media accounts. It was actually very challenging for me. I had posted on social media or done a blog post or video nearly every day since 2011. That's a long time to keep up a "presence" online. But I will tell you I needed the space. I was at capacity in my life and needed to make room to grow.
I did a video a few months ago about being able to either consume content OR create content, not both. Here's that video. If you are someone who wants to make videos or content online, you often need to stop watching loads of YouTube videos so you can focus your energy.
If you want more in your life, you need to make room for it. Being too busy doesn't allow for taking new opportunities, so I encourage you to make room for growth. Make space in your life for growth and expansion on a mind/psyche level, a daily basis and even weekly or monthly schedule. You'll be glad you did.
Feng Shui
I even do this in my home. When I know I want to buy new furniture or expand my business, I clean and clear my space. I get rid of the old furniture or move it to other places in the house so I can see the area I want to fill. Then when I come upon the perfect sofa I know exactly where it will go. In my business I often clean up my desk, make room energetically for more abundance. These concepts are talked about in the ancient tradition of Feng Shui, if you are interested in learning more.