Cost of Over-Development

I have attended rezoning meetings with dozens, sometimes hundreds of Jackson Township residents speaking in opposition to this type and density of development. It is the primary reason that this architect and mom would run for Trustee. Here are four case studies based on type of home, fair market value (which determines property taxes) and the amount of profit or loss incurred for Jackson Township. I created it to show the financial cost to tax payers as we all carry the responsibility for paying for our great schools, police and fire department. Links below to my resources.

Case study 1: $450 profit

case study 2: $5,055 profit

case study 3: $17,311 profit

case study 4: $33,908 loss

Based on these case studies, it is not financially beneficial for Jackson Township to have higher density (R-3 and above) properties like this 28 unit development.

Why do these keep getting approved?

Our current trustees claim their hands are tied, developers are “allowed” to request rezoning. Based on the responses to rezoning agendas like Frank Farms (still TBD) the community does not want these large high-density developments.

So if elected, I will propose to change the Zoning Ordinance to remove the higher density classifications to limit the over-development of our township. We have to protect our natural resources to preserve our livelihood.

My research is based on this chart on the Jackson Township website:

Property data was attained from the Stark County Auditor’s website.

I was being more conservative, so I added Jackson Schools, Fire/EMS and Police (omitting Stark County and some others shown). You could take the total tax for everything listed here (bottom right corner of the chart above) if desired. Since the median home price in our township is $200,000, I used this column (far right) as I feel it represents Jackson residents more accurately.

Thank you for your time and attention. This was originally created as part of my campaign for trustee, though I did not get elected, I still believe we can collectively make positive change in our town, and ultimately our country and world. 
